Compressor maps are developed by the manufacturer of dynamic compressors. They are compressor equivalents of the泵性能曲线。它是特定压缩机的性能图表,该制造商可以计算并制定该压缩机的独特设计特性。来自汽车涡轮增压器的空气压缩机的示例如图1所示。
压缩机图是二维的,并且具有工程师为设计目的所需的所有信息。在图1中表示的样品压缩机图中,蓝曲线表示不同叶轮速度值的压缩机曲线,最上线是压缩机可以达到的最大速度。偏斜的椭圆是效率的“岛屿”或效率区域。Y轴是下面解释的压力比,X轴是“涡轮前的空气 /气流”。读取从压缩机图的点很简单。例如,地图上的红色圆点表示,压缩机输出为520 CFM(校正的气流),压力比为2.1。在这一点上,压缩机以144000 rpm旋转,效率仅为61%(由相应的效率区域表示)。
大鼠Y轴的压缩机地图显示压力io. Pressure ratio is the ratio of the compressor discharge pressure to the compressor suction pressure. If the compressor suction pressure is known, pressure ratio can be decided to achieve required output. For example if the inlet pressure is 1bar (Atmospheric pressure) and it is required to boost the gas to a pressure of 2 bar, then the pressure ratio needs to be two. The same principal applies to industrial compressors except that they have higher pressure ratios, especially multi-stage compressors. The following is a formula of the calculation that has just been described:
因此,如果在海平面上,某个压缩机的出口压力为2 bar,然后将压缩机带到更高的海拔高度,则出口压力将较低,因为入口压力下降。
效率岛 /效率区域
Surge and Choke lines (Orange)
如果压缩机在扼流圈的右侧运行,则压缩机将体验窒息流。Choked flow is when the flow reaches the speed of sound and this is a problem because it limits the maximum flow rate through the compressor. Thus the choke line on a compressor map signifies its最大流速限额。在设计压缩机系统时,需要考虑仔细考虑,以确保设计的工作点不会超出电涌和阻塞线路。
The maximum discharge pressure that a compressor can achieve is found using the uppermost point on the map. At this point the pressure ratio can be found and using the formula above the outlet pressure can be calculated.
Compressor maps are very important in design of systems because they give you vital information on surge, choke and compressor speeds. They also let you know if your compressor is going to be efficient enough for your application.