
Atmospheric Distillation Unit-Crude oil is sent to the atmospheric distillation unit after desalting and heating. The purpose of atmospheric distillation is primary separation of various ‘cuts’ of hydrocarbons namely, fuel gases, LPG, naptha, kerosene, diesel and fuel oil.

Air Cooler-An air cooler is simply a pressure vessel which cools a circulating fluid within finned tubes by forcing ambient air over the exterior of the tubes. A common example of an air cooler is a car’s radiator. Air coolers are used in industrial applications when reliable source of water is not available. Even if water is available, in some cases, air cooled exchangers are favored for economic & operational reasons.

Boilers- 锅炉基本上是用于加热水并将其转化为蒸汽的容器,顾名思义。锅炉容器通常使用内部热源将水煮沸。通常,蒸汽用作加工厂的实用性,需要在某些温度和压力条件下可用。锅炉是根据产品蒸汽的所需温度压力条件设计的。

Bottoms Reboiler-The liquid outlet from bottom of a distillation column is close to its initial boiling point, due to near equilibrium conditions on each of the distillation column trays. This reboiler, which is essentially a heat exchanger, heats up the liquid. A reboiler may use steam, fire, another hot liquid etc.

离心泵-Everything about centrifugal pumps including structure of the pumps, theory & equations for centrifugal pump design, guidelines for operation & maintenance of centrifugal pumps, overloading of pumps,cavitation of pumps,internal recirculation in centrifugal pumps etc.


Cooling Towers-Cooling of the water is achieved through direct contact of water with air. The air vaporizes a part of this water and cooling effect is provided primarily by an exchange of latent heat of vaporization resulting from evaporation of water. During this phenomenon, which is widely known as evaporative cooling, heat is transferred from water to air. This heat is then rejected to the atmosphere, either through the use of fans or natural convection

Crude Oil Storage Tanks-Crude oil untreated and unrefined are stored in坦克for shipment to other locations or加工进入制成品。There are four basic types of tanks used to store石油产品:(1)浮动车顶罐用于原油、汽油和naphtha。(2)Fixed Roof Tankused for diesel,kerosene,,,,catalytic cracker feedstock, and residual fuel oil (3)子弹箱used for normal butane, propane, and propylene (4)Spherical Tankused for isobutane and normal butane.

Demineralizers or Ion Exchangers-Dissolved impurities and foreign particles entrained in power plant fluid systems generate corrosion problems and decrease efficiency as a result of fouling of relevantheat exchanger表面。水的矿化是去除溶解杂质的最常用过程之一。

Desiccant Dehumidifiers- 除湿空气被广泛用于工业应用,用于各种抗腐败保护以及保存措施。干燥剂除湿剂由颜色的瓦楞轮组成,该轮浸入了硅胶等干燥剂,以便空气可以沿着波纹状。当空气穿过车轮时,水分从空气吸引到干燥剂上。另一条用于使干燥剂重新激活的热空气流将干燥剂加热以清除吸收的水分。

柴油发动机- 发动机中的中风是指活塞从气缸顶部到底部传播的距离。对于柴油发动机,活塞的最高旅行点称为顶部死亡中心(TDC),而最低的旅行点称为“底部死亡中心”(BDC)。TDC和BDC之间有1800次旅行,或中风。

静电迫使-Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are industrial emissions control units that are typically installed at coal power plants. Their purpose is to collect and remove dust particles from the exhaust flue gas of a power plant at a typical efficiency level of 99.9% or more. Electrostatic precipitators work by placing a positive charge on a group of plates installed at the exhaust gas stream.

Hydraulic Systems-In hydraulic systems, oil from a tank is stored in an oil tank from where it is pumped to move pistons. A filter is typically installed at the suction of the pump in order to filter out any impurities. The pump, usually a gear type or positive displacement pump, is usually driven by an electric motor (less often by an air motor).

HVAC Systems- 加热,通风和空调(HVAC)系统用于维持住宅,商业或工业建筑中的室内温度,并维持一定水平的室内空气质量。三个主要要素是 -

  • Heating the air with the help of boilers, furnaces
  • Either natural or forced (with fans) ventilation to replace the indoor air with fresh air
  • 冷却室内空气的空调

工业消音器- 工业消音器用于控制与各种工业过程相关的噪声。产品包括排气消音器,吹落的消音器,发动机消音器,鼓风机进气消音器,燃气轮机消音器,真空泵消音器,离心压缩机消音器,放电消音器,烟囱消音器等。

Phase Separation Equipments-Basic descriptions of structure and functioning of phase separation equipments and special internals of these equipments such as knock out drums, degassers, steam drums etc. are presented. Typical P&ID arrangements for such phase separation systems make the picture clearer. Calculators for sizing these phase separators are listed to supplement the theory.

Steam Desuperheater-Normally in chemical or oil & gas process plants, available steam is at superheated conditions. Sometimes the high temperature of the superheated steam is not desirable and it may be required to desuperheat the available steam to its dew point or saturation temperature. Deuperheater is used to take out the excess heat from steam to bring down the steam temperature to saturation level.

Distillation Column-Distillation is a commonly known method for separation of two liquid components with different boiling points. The ease of separation through distillation usually depends on the difference between boiling points. For a significant difference between boiling points of two liquids, they can be separated by batch distillation where one liquid remains almost completely in liquid form at the boiling point of the other liquid.

Heat Exchanger Types- 热交换器的设计和结构取决于使用的应用以及涉及的热交换介质的不同。讨论了以下类型的热交换器 - 板和框架交换机,螺旋型交换器,板岩热交换器,空气冷却器,双管(发夹)热交换器,Shell and tube exchangers等等

传热设备- 这些设备的热交换器设计和结构取决于使用的应用以及所涉及的传热介质。讨论了以下因素在热交换器中的作用 - 热介质和冷介质之间的温度差,流体的性质,流动类型,用于热量,湍流等的表面积等。

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps-Typically pumps increase the pressure of pumped fluid. Unlike conventional pumps, Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps are used to pull air out of low pressure vessels so that the vessel pressure drops below atmospheric pressure value and vacuum conditions are created.

Overhead Condenser- 分离器容器,储油罐,,,,热交换器,,,,and certain piping segments etc. are designed to handle certain operating pressure. However combination of a variety of causes may lead to over pressure in these equipments which may exceed themaximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) value。Various overpressur causes and scenarios are discussed.

Overhead Condenser-An overhead condenser, which is essentially aheat exchanger,,,,cools down vapors from overhead of adistillation column使用冷却剂的年代tream usually cooling water. Being close to the初始露点,,,,the heavy component vapors are readily condensed while most of the light component still remains in vapor phase.

Pig receivers / Pig Launchers- 猪发射器本质上是用于发射的船只pipe pig或猪工具进入管道,以进行清洁或检查目的。在进入管道中后,通过驾驶液将猪工具推开管道。通过从猪刷动动作的过程中清洁管道。另一方面,猪接收器接收了猪工具。

Pipe Pigs-Pipe pigs是否像胶囊那样通过使用流体将管道推动通过管道来清洁管道的对象pressure。The pipe is cleaned by brushing action from the pig tool. This cleaning process is calledpiggingPigging还进行了检查管道的检查,不仅用于清洁管道。

泵中的横景Pumps-Pumps can be broadly classified into two basic categories: Centrifugal pumps and Positive Displacement pumps. Centrifugal pumps have rotating equipment parts imparting momentum to the fluid particles which is later converted topressure。For centrifugal pumps the discharge flowrate and differential head developed in the pumps are strongly dependant on each other. Whereas for positive displacement pumps, the discharge flowrate is nearly independent of the downstream pressure.

Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers- 外壳和管热交换器由金属管组成,穿过另一个金属外壳,称为“壳”。使用试管和“壳”的不同组合,可以轻松自定义外壳和管交换器设计。因此,根据其构造和服务,我们拥有许多不同类型的壳体管热交换器。这种多功能性使这些交换机在流程行业中非常受欢迎。阅读有关其分类,结构,设计方程,标准,相关计算等的更多信息。

蒸汽喷射空气喷射器-A high pressure motive fluid, typically steam, enters the steam ejector and passes through the nozzle. Through this nozzle, its velocity increases and consequently low pressure exists at that point on nozzle. This low pressure draws the suction fluid, typically air, into the mixing chamber where it mixes with the motive fluid.

Steam Traps- 蒸汽陷阱的基本作用是从蒸汽系统中去除蒸汽冷凝物,空气或其他可屈服的气体,同时不允许活蒸汽逸出。讨论了以下不同类型的蒸汽陷阱 - 恒温蒸汽陷阱,机械蒸汽陷阱,热力学蒸汽陷阱等。

Storage tanks-Types of storage tanks are discussed along with their characteristics and when each type can be used. Following types are discussed - Spheroids, Spheres, Horizontal Cylinders, Fixed roof tanks, Floating roof tanks, Bolted type tanks.




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